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Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC)


What is a PICC Line?

The catheter is inserted into an arm vein (basilica, brachial, or cephalic) using ultrasound to visualize and access the vessel. The catheter is then advanced using fluoroscopy to a final tip location of the superior vena cava and right atrium. Tip location is then documented by an X-ray. PICC is available in single, double, or triple lumen.  PICCs have lower complication and infection rates than central lines.


Why Does a Patient Need a PICC?

  • Poor peripheral vein access

  • Intravenous antibiotic treatment

  • Medications that are irritating to the peripheral vein

  • Multiple Intravenous Infusions

  • Multiple CT Scans

  • Home/Alternate infusion

  • Chemotherapy

  • Total Parenteral Nutrition






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