A Message from the President of Reston Radiology Consultants:
Reston Radiology Consultants remains committed to the health and well-being of our patients. We have implemented procedures to screen patients upon entering the office, options of check-in without physical contact, and remaining in your car until we are ready for your procedure. All patients are required to wear a mask or face covering at all times in our centers. As we have a limited supply of masks, we ask that all of our patients bring their own masks for their appointments. Any patients that screen positively for Coronavirus risk factors or symptoms will not be allowed into our centers.
To ensure the safest possible environment with the least possible risk of exposure to COVID-19, we continue to use enhanced cleaning procedures. A truly outpatient (not directly in a hospital) imaging center can control exposure risks much more easily by minimizing wait times and utilizing simple solutions, such as remaining in your car except for the actual procedure itself.
Reston Radiology Consultants is dedicated to our staff and referring physicians with our patients always at the forefront. We have four locations in the Northern Virginia area, all of which are open with our regular schedule.
Stay strong.
David E. Dubois, M.D.
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